Have you ever played grey box testing? If not here’s the basics, its a game where you use intention bugs to get to the end. I wan’t to make a game like dis but don’t know what bugs to make or how to do it
You could use this for help.
I agree with NoNoWahoo, but I’d also ad that there aren’t a ton of bugs that could dependably be exploited for a game in GKC. Maybe simulate bugs, so make up your own and make the player think they’re using bugs to win?
I don’t know if I understood the question though lol.
So the way is I need to make fake bugs that won’t be fixed, so that I can have them use it to their advantage, like moving while the game is paused, or walking through walls. I just need the idea of how to do it
Oh, I see.
By going into the top of a corner than suddenly pressing one arrow key, the player can phase through walls.
Perhaps some speed glitches from falling on a corner?
This sounds genius + fun
but we got to somehow acquire enough glitches that are not yet patched and shove them into a game like this. the only issue would be most glitches have no benefit so this game may need to include glitches that are not really glitches but just built in systems to simulate a fake glitch
They’re asking for fake glitches they can add, not real ones.
One glitch I’m sure every one is aware of by now, if you spawn right next to a one wide wall, ( via. teleporter or spawn pad) if you walk towards the wall you can just phase through it, sorry for giving an obvious one, this isn’t really my cup of tea.
Blue Screen of Blindness (BSoB)
blinds the player with a blue screen for a bit, but tps them to a helpful teleporter after the program “restarts”
windows referencee
yeah if any of these get patched then the game would be impossible, like the truckatron glitch that got patched
A string of teleporters that make the game look glitchy, and you start the string by walking in a zone.