While keybinds are still theoretical, you could use a popup and just have a button (call to action) saying enter or next.
I don’t know your full system, so it’s hard to tell you what the optimal solution is, but this should work.
Yeah, have done that but i dont know how to insert a skip to tye next line
So, that currently is impossible (sorry Blackhole) but you could use a full screen text cutscene kind of thing (using a black barrier and text device), then a game overlay with enter text, and when it’s clicked it will show the next line of text.
Yeah you just can’t nextline with blocks for some reason.
Can you explain more about your system? Does it have something to do with word art?
Yep it syre does csntputlilthngysimwslking
You can mod in a nextline character, and that’s the only way I know of, but I don’t know how to. You’ll have to make your own nextline system if you don’t want to mod.
Yeah but modding only works if the player has mods so I’m guessing that won’t be sustainable,
Hmmm… yall know how large the average word art is?
Uh. No clue. What do you need that for?
I could create multiple text boxes. But that would take a longgggg timeee
Can you explain a little more about that?
Like they could set the cha4acters in one box, the first line, then go ti the next text box and etc
Oops, I read the post wrong…
You probably just need two text devices, and place one under the other.
No, i was wanting to have it all in one text box lol but thats not possible
I figured it out!!!
Use this block:
I knew there was a way, I just had to figure it out…
Yoooo thank you sm! Wanna be credited?
You don’t have to, but sure…
Also, how do i do it? Never have i evwr worked wiyh this block