Upgrade ideas cuz I'm not creative

give me ideas for a upgrade.
just make it actually work with gadgets or an advantage of sorts(speed or more damage)
and make it possible
and possibly the “how to make”

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You can make it so you get a remote control to lasers… you can activate them every 3 minutes and they stay on for 30 seconds.

how to:

On vending machine purchase or whatever purchase it activates game overlay. Game overlay is a button that when clicked goes to a trigger hides the game overlay. The game overlay turns on lasers that both ends are invisible. So now the same channel that made the gameoverlay invisible goes to a different channel has a delay of 300 then activates the lasers again.

Now we have the button but when the button is clicked it activates lasers but also triggers a separate trigger. Now the trigger has a delay of 30 and make it so after the trigger sends a channel to deactivate the laser

so much trigger words

also I found out triggers have a delay of 120 so make the trigger instead 120 which goes to another trigger that in total the delays should be 300

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what did i say in the description…

“just make it actually work with gadgets”

a remote

it’s an advantage, you get cool lasers that can damage enemies

is possible

did make

oop you added speed or more damage

I mean a remote that can activate lasers is cool don’t you think lol

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Gadget Upgrader
A crafting table specifically for upgrading your current gadget

add an upgrade that shows an overlay that lets you turn on a damage boost for 2 seconds with a 30 second cooldown if you need help making that i can make a quick guide or send one like it that i made (has a cooldown thingy in it)

I took a test and my strongest Suit is Creativity, Ask me anything

bruh, I already have a damage boost, I don’t need another one…

Hmmmm intresting, might use it

my main “point” system or “reward” for knocking players in cash, about 5 per knock

well u never said that

more damage
in the description I was giving “examples”


ohhhh yeah
what is that game?

wdym what is that game?

just feed me with and idea and I’ll see

Ok hear me out. I know you have a damage boost upgrade already, but what if you have an upgrade/artifact that once you obtain, you can change your state into “vanquisher state” or smth, where your attacks deal significantly more damage, but also consume your hp per every shot you fire, so you have to make your attacks count. (Made possible with overlays, lifecycles, and damagers)

You can also make a knockout combo upgrade, where speed and regeneration increase with every knockout in the last 10 seconds.

Defensive state: You deal reduced damage, and have reduced speed, but gain pretty decent amounts of regeneration, good for healing up while hiding

Offensive state: You deal increased damage and have increased speed, but lose hp over time.

Insta Teleport: Teleport somewhere random on the map for quick escapes

Dash: Press an overlay or fire a certain weapon (possible to track via inventory item managers and ammo restrictions) to gain 4x speed for a brief moment of time…

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Możesz zrobić coś tam, gdzie są oszuści i używasz blastera, aby ich wyeliminować, ale masz zespoły

Please speak English.

Proszę mówić po angielsku.

You can do something where there are impostors and you use a blaster to take them out, but you have teams