Undertale Blue Enemy Help

So I am in the middle of a creative block :} lovely aren’t they. But I could use some help making up some new enemies. I’m really open to any ideas, just follow the template[1] based on what you want to make.


Name: [Insert Here]
Description: [What do they look like]
Personality Traits:

  • [Make sure]
  • [to do at]
  • [least three]

Hit Points: [#]
Attack: [#]
Defense: [#]
EXP: [#]
Keep EXP 500-1000

Normal Enemy:

Name: [Insert Here]
Description: [What do they look like]
Hit Points: [#]
Attack: [#]
Defense: [#]
EXP: [#]
Keep EXP between 5-10

Please make the names like actually names (ie, Whistle, Hoppity)
Thanks! Any questions just ask me!

  1. It took me five minutes to remember that word ↩︎

Name: [Markie]
Hit Points: [10]
Attack: [2]
Defense: [4]
EXP: [3]

Please make the names like actually names (ie, Whistle, Hoppity)

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