Ummm..... what happened?

ehhh, are you sure? Because if not its an internet problem


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probably this above

is your internet working well?

Screenshot 2023-11-27 7.52.10 PM

Doubt it

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okay can I see a picture, of the error occurred again

Of my internet? Already did.

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no, the error

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maybe try reseting your computer

you just copy and pasted the one above…

Already Did

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what did you click before doing the error

Isn’t that what you wanted?

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I clicked Nothing because I was test running my map

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you do realize your not giving much to help me understand right?

this is off-topic since we are not talking about that

Make your own topic talking about it, sorry, don’t wanna get you flagged in my topic.

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gimsolver so are you refreshing and going back in the gimkit creative?