You have to go to “All options” on the ball and scroll all the way down.

you don’t need to touch it

no, that doesn’t work (for me at least)

@Splatter did it work?

not on the waypoint… its on the ball!


??? it works for me just enter some random letters in the ball ID and it should show up at least for me

doesn’t work, still pointing towards the way point device

Yes, but the point of this post is that the OP wants to track the ball whilst it moves, like in the original blastball gamemode.
However, the OP cannot find the setting in the waypoint to track the ball whilst it moves.

Entering random letters, numbers and symbols into the Blastball’s ID won’t change that the fact that Waypoint will be stationary and won’t track the ball.


what is OP the person?

Guys listen its not the waypoint its the ball! delete the waypoint device and go to the ball

you need the way point but don’t need to touch it

me @splatter i’m just confused

Umm Haisai since you’re online… Just question about Among us - #13 by ABCD mite wunna check this out… @ABCD been asking for your help…

UMMMM dude this is my post cuz i need help don’t advertise

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off-topic, and he’s always online, just doesn’t post.


It’s just easy click on the ball scroll ALL the way down in all options enter some letters add a waypoint device and your done!

when the ball moves, it’s not tracked.

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THAT DOESN’T WORK for me at least

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Guys, y’all are thinking of different things. @Splatter wants it to track the ball, not just where it spawns.

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