Uhh edit glitch

hmmm this happens sometimes try getting n a new tab

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let me see if that helps one sec

nope it did not work @G-Code549

What wiki is it, if you can say
it could be something on their side

i dont remebr the name :stuck_out_tongue:

Is the topic you’re trying to edit require a checkbox? Or is the topic closed already. If not I’d say if reloading doesn’t work just wait and try later?

Is it a Forum wiki topic, or gimkit wiki?


okay the server might be down but what’s your internet at

What are you trying to add to the wiki?

forum wiki :slight_smile: @wsg no it does not have a checkbox and is not closed

Wait does anyone know if slowmode would affect the edit time? Do you know if the wiki is in slowmode?

No slow mode no topic timers none

Oh, this is a common issue, just be patient and you will be fine, it happened to me sometimes, check your internet and reload again, try a few times and you should be all good.


Yeah just do what NotYoyo said, hopefully it gets fixed!

Yes, @NotYoyo is right, this happens to me too

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I have doen that im at full internert and i tried in a new tab it does not work

school computers are horrible

if that doesnt work, then try refreshing cache and cookies or history

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I guess try to edit later, perhaps the wiki has bad servers at this time?

cant do that im on a school device