Trigger Delay Help

I’m doing a scary game and I want the game to after a player leaves a zone it takes 5 seconds, then they are teleported to a new location that I have set up.

Ok, this should be pretty quick. Place down a trigger with a trigger delay of 5 secs, and when triggered, its transmits on “tp” or smth, then, tp the player to new location when trasmitted on “tp”!

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Also, link it so when they leave, they trigger the trigger.

First, make the delay of Trigger 5.0 seconds.
Then, wire them together:

Zone (Player leaves zone) → Trigger (Trigger)
Trigger (Trigger) → Teleporter


Yeah this is a way better explanation, lol. Idk why i always make things sound complicated

when player leaves zone, trigger triggered, teleport player here right?

Just remember to make trigger delay 5.0 seconds.
btw imma shorten dat title

Yeah! but make sure you put 5.0 seconds for the delay in the Trigger, otherwise the player will get instant (0.0 second, which is the default value of trigger) teleport to that place after they left the zone.

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okay… It didn’t work

Is it teleport player to target?

It’s fine, can I see your settings for this system?

Nope, it’s “Teleport Player Here”

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hey @CreativeLaptop be carefull you could run out of posts!

Yes(i think)(froyo pwease help me with device :frowning: )

Screenshot 2024-10-22 7.29.47 PM

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