Transparent Gims?

I was making my map and play-testing when:
Screenshot 2024-09-14 6.55.01 PM
It’s kinda like in capture the flag, when you tag someone.
I already tried restarting my computer, it didn’t solve the problem.
any suggestions?

i think that’s what happens when you turn off collision in editing mode

No my collision is off

oops edit: collision=on

When you turn off collisions in editing mode you are transparent but you are also tinted blue.

Do you know how it happened?

IDK I just started the game, and the gim was transparent.
when I was editing, It was normal.

try changing skins and go back

Okay @Breadirl

this is wierd, but i dont think it is a major problem. i dont know what you should do about it

This happens its when you end game then start really fast also causes it, you gotta wait a bit (or refresh) to give it time to switch.

oo It worked @Breadirl
I will mark your post as solution.
Screenshot 2024-09-14 7.09.54 PM

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it didnt work for me

This happened @Faceless when you were on my game.

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