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it has snow globs XD

whoa that’s nice. I cant wait to play it


What? Snow globes?

snow piles
Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 9.32.32 PM

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So the ice area is supposed to be snowy grass?

snow/snowy grass, it dont rlly matter too much

Hmm Okay, any specific terrain for the fire place?
And can there be volcanoes in the fire area?

this is the spawn place, 4 paths leading to each place

(just for more info for ya guys

interesting design.
what about the bottom left corner @Aubec7?

this is what the fire place looks like

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Hm Okay. Maybe have a mixture of dirt? It’ll look cool.

bottom left corner is just the fire place

not really good with texturing, you can add that to the thumbnail if ya want

You mean the volcanoes?

This is what the fire place boss teleporter looks like 0-0

those aint volcanoes, those are lava ponds XD

Where is the teleporter @Aubec7 ? Like north, south, west?

Screen Shot 2024-08-08 at 9.48.00 PM

allll the way own

lower than fire place

No I know what the teleporter is but where is it?

if you keep going down in the middle of the fire place there will be a tunnel kinda, and if you have a key, you will be able to enter, revealing this portal