Too long, taken down, thumbnail request finished

the final boss is that dragon head on the gim

its an easter egg

yes, slingshot or the snowball launcher

the custom dragon gim is required to have a quantum blaster tho

Slingshot fits with the theme more so I’ll probably do that one.

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I like that custom dragon!

thank you, I love drawing dragons loll

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You should draw @VoidFluffy then lol.

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I love drawing dragons too! I drew wings of fire once.Also maybe you can make the eyes glow.


And @Aubec7, for the bosses, do we draw them like the sentry look or different?

draw them how the bosses look like from the pictures I sent up there in the beggining of the post

any more questions or finished thumbnails?

…Did you make the eyes glow on your custom gim?

no cuz its just a sketch, yall can add it to the thumbnail tho

sure! I will do it rn

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and here is the dragon gim (I remodeled it)

where is shading

pls add shading

also that’s like a dragon costume gim
not actually dragon gim


I am sorry- I am just …so off my game I have done art in months and I honest don’t really know how to shade online- Sorry :pensive:

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it’s fine lol
you can search a few yt tutorials and stuff

not much progress apologies

@Blackhole927 if you get a chance please open this

BrownSugarAlien: Are you letting us speak through this @VoidFluffy?

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tutorials urk me but I will do it because I need to practice anyway

@VoidFluffy Watched a tutorial! (The tutorial was only a few seconds lol) Hope this is better: