It’s not just that, this isn’t allowed. Pls delete your original post asking for a zoom. It will be flagged as off-topic, and if this stays, it will encourage other users to flag this.
you cant share codes on forums
I am about to not yous this if you do not make one
This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.
This topic was automatically opened after 3 days.
its back!!!1
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great guide bump
awesome Guide bump
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I think we’re supposed to wait at least a day or so between bumping something, especially when the reply contains nothing constructive. Please wait a little more (like a day, maybe) before bumping something next time!
(I could be wrong)
Yeaaaaaa, he’s kinda right, the bumping is a little unnecessary, unless u have a question or feedback