Thumbnail requests

sorry if i was ths cause of this

since it seems like you copy and paste that this might be useful to add

@Claire_B did you try other images?

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@CoolGimkitPlayer Woah, slow down, this stuff takes time.

yes ive also tried png jpeg and jpg and image converters refreshing everything

mine took like 10 mints

@Claire_B ask about this in like

@Claire_B i fighured out your problem, it just looked like that when you publish the map it should take up the whole thumbnail thing

I try to put care into mine + im in school rn

@Foxy For future reference, bookmark this topic as it contains the rules.

This is so you can give them the link instead of an image.

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thats what i did i zoomed all the way out-

im just saying that theres nothing to worry about, it just looked like that, when you publish it it shoudl fill up the whole “thumbnail” box

oh okay looks like ill have to find a picture that fills that whole box then…

never mind i see your problem

btw I’ve tried going into bugs and creating a post to see if someone would help me but they just say refresh, try a image converter they dont work :frowning: i guess i cant publish maps

is it finally done?

Considering how old this topic does the creator still need a thumbnail???if not then this should be marked as a solution now.

Do you prefer anything for the foreground?


Can someone in here tell me if my thumbnail is good? (I did two because I’m trying to get at least one to work and I want to know which one is better)


The second.