Thumbnail request: Zenith Overload

Alright, community, I’ve been giving you thumbnails for quite some time now… Your turn.
Zenith Overload is its name.
It’s a PvP battle royale-style game with no clear end.
The setting is similar to Snowy Survival’s areas, but instead of snow, it’s grass. Also, there’s a base on each side, made of Plastic (Red/Green) for the walls and Castle Tile (Red/Green) for the floor.
I want Zenith to be used, as well as a couple Gim stamps strewn across (Photopea instructions included).
Zenith should be fighting a red stamp Gim, while a green stamp Gim will be stealing a flag from the Plastic (Red)/Castle Tile (Red) base.
…Made by mutantSackboy4. (keep lowercase “m” in mutant)

Gim stamp instructions

Open a Basic Gim file image.

Go into Edit/Define New/Brush.

I’ll put a poll in on Halloween, ~12:01 PM New York time - so if it’s the seventeenth today, you’ll have…
*does mental math*
Fourteen days 'til the poll opens?
November 31st, 2024
Good luck! I wish you all Arcspeed! mtSb4 out!

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I can make one! Gimme a week ish…

previous work

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slightly off topic

You’re good! I’m glad to have you on board!
also, a=d judylwb idoov thumbnail is at the top for a reason methinks

Mógłbym spróbować zrobić taki

Sorry her is what I said " I could try to make one"

I am still learning English

No problem! Just try to refrain from using Polish, and we’ll be good as gold, alright?
Nie ma problemu! Po prostu spróbuj powstrzymać się od używania języka polskiego, a będzie dobrze, jasne?

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I might be able to do it. here is some previous works



Here have the sketch

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:+1: Looks good so far!

Your previous works look good! Have fun and good luck!

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@Fruity-Gim @Alissa @Koneko-san
Not to rush, but are you still on this?

sorry ive been busy with other stuff, its on my list

No problem, we all have our stuff! No pressure!

same I have been very busy with school

Yeah. School is... Time-consuming.

I’m actually distracted from English language-arts! Heh-heh…

I’m sorry I am having a hard time. I need to leave this chat