Thumbnail request: /~Power Battles~\

Any gims. Fighting with various gadgets, including zappers, slingshots, and pixelators. Name of game is /~Power Battles~\ . Game by Toxic.

when is the thumbnail due? (I might have time)

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Anytime, really. I’m not even close to done with the game, but sometimes thumbnails come too late, and I wanted to prevent that.

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BUMP. I seriously need a thumbnail, as I have finished the map. Deadline: December 20.

i can do this in probably 2 days cause I have another thumbnail I gotta do
and btw how many gims? @Toxic

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@Toxic how many gims?

As many as you want, but don’t overload the entire place with them and it has to be more than 2 because it is a fight scene.

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@Toxic I’m done

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Great! Maybe remove the apostrophe in “Battles”.

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Yes! I’m gonna keep this open, though.

I finished :smile:


Okay, I’m closing this now.

@Flame_Nacho, you win.

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