Thumbnail request pls ☹️

alright, so now can we repurpose the thumbnails for something else? I have a mining platformer this could be used for.

new ones daily sometimes lol

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I had to recreate and make a new link to in because it malfunction and deleted everything, but I made a copy.

Improved a little, good job! You need to put black outlines on your flowers and landscape, add a face to your gim. Just ping me if you want more information about improving on digital art :3

what webstite/app are u using @Gamingwolf , i want to give suggestions for handrawn

u should use kleiki
i dont do handdrawn but everyone recommends it

They already said they’re not making the game.
Also, get off the forums already! You’re underage and it’s an enforced rule that underage makes you ban worthy!


oh i did not know that he was no longer making a game, so i gave him suggestions, also (im not underage,) but it does not matter how old he is, but its more about the maturity

No, it’s illegal for companies to sell the data of people under 13 years old.


oh, well then i take that back heehehehe nervous laughter

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