Thumbnail: Request: "Lord of The Gims: The Wrath of Lord Goldtalon"

Hello! I was wondering if anyone would be able to produce a thumbnail for my RPG style game I have been developing, which follows a similarish plotline to LOTR. If possible could the thumbnail include the following:

  • Black and gold dragon in top left or right diving towards opposite corner
    -Evil King Gimrick gim riding the dragon
    -Sirath-skin gim in bottom corner opposite the dragon, with a wooden wand
    -Background of a decrepit cave with ruined pillars and a gold hoard beneath the dragon.
    Apologies if this a big ask, I just have no artistic skill. I can create ideas, just not enact them, at least in this regard.

I got it. I’ll try. This might be a challenge, though.

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Thanks, it’s alright, anything you do would definitely look better than mine.

Ahhh, boo. I’ll make one. YOU SHALL NOT PASS-

Can I change the requirements? I fell like it would be better suited for Thorin Gimsheild to be sitting on a throne than being in a fight.

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hey! don’t down-talk yourself, i bet you can draw something good too

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Thanks for doing it in a sufficient format. This really helps.

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Let me know if you have any feedback! @King_Thunder_Alt1


Okay, finished thumbnail:
Probably the best art I’ve done, but who’s keeping track?
1 layer used…


I’ll do it even though I’m terrible.

Hey, don’t trash talk yourself!
Words of the wise: If you talk bad about yourself, you will do bad. If you believe in yourself, you’ll do great things.

– Toxic


@Toxic Apologies for the late response, this looks amazing so far! Just two things:
Could you please add King GImrick on the dragon and a wooden wand in Sirath’s hand?
Other than that, this looks incredible! I love the way you layered the shadows.

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On the dragon? That might be hard… But sure! And that took 1 layer.

Wow! Thanks again for the help.

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wow! that looks amazing!
(wait I just found out I got NUOTM)

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That’s physically impossible. It’s really hard. Do you mind if I skip that?

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Sure! I can just alter the lore to have him appear at the end, more of a puppet master than main antagonist.

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Tysm! This helps a lot. If you need anything else, let me know! I’ll keep editing the final thumbnail post.

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Then don’t do it if you think that way.


Okay! I’m completely done, but you can go into edit history and pick your favorite!

From Grapefruit:

By Grapefruit