I need a thumbnail for a squid game based game.
Name of game: Gim Games
Author: Tervor
Setting: either glass bridge or red light green light
Gims: Horizono, Adam, and the guards are vortex and echo.
Extra: make it look dark if it’s glass bridge. Also, make the Gims look scared and make them sweat.
Anybody got anything?
ill maybe do it after i do your other one
I might try this, seems like a fun challange!
Alright. I’m making this game priority right now though. so I’d rather you do this one, but its you choice.
Is their a deadline?
Great! all attempts help, I am really bad at art, so I need this.
Deadline… try to do it by the end of the month or near the start of next month.
Great! So we have 16 days to do this.
(16 day’s till January ends.)
By the way what would you like most? Glass bridge or Red light green light?
Probably red light green light because it’s more popular. But I think glass bridge would look cooler, so whatever you want!
Green light,
Red light, stooooooop
I’ll make one
1 more thing before i start, for the bot on Red light green light do you have any Gim in specific?
Oh no, Spydecraft is here! I’m not gonna make one anymore because I’m cooked either way! (Also Spydecraft, I subscribed to your YouTube channel.)
when you say bot do you mean doll? if you do then I have no idea
Yes , so we can choose the gim?
Yeah I’ve seen some of spydacrafts thumbnail…
- Oh, thanks
- I’m not that good (Yall making me not wanting to make my other song
- Kat, bsa, thatmyboy are waaaaaay better
Agreed, they are really good (i haven’t seen bsa, who even is bsa)