Thumbnail Request for some pillars of fortune spinoff

I’ve been working on this map for about a week now, and I’ve decided it’s ready to publish. It’s a gimkit remake of a popular Fortnite map Pillars of Fortune where you get a random item every few seconds and have to eliminate all other players.

Game Name - Pillars Of Randomization
Game Summary - Defeat other players on a group of towers where you are granted a random item every 5 seconds
Setting - four stone pillars
Gims - Coderdash custom gim and 2 other gims of your choice (custom gims allowed)

the custom gim

Gim actions - Coderdash gim aiming a Timekeeper at one of the other gims, another gim falling off one of the pillars.
Author of Game - Coderdash
due date is Valentines Day (Feb 14)


i might try.

but i cannot do it today so maybe tomorrow

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ian walks in
Oooooooo, a custom gim
And im allowed to use a custom gim
Time to do this i guess


Imma do this one cuz I’m bored


OOOO nice I’ll do it

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Finished (oh god, Grapefruit and G-Code are here)


Expect it to be done sometime later today


Btw what style would you perfer
3D,Thin lines,thick line etc

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Whatever you want!


okay haha (just hates desicions)

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okay I’m gonna start

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I’m done


that’s so cool @Grapefruitt


I could do a thumbnail. I might be able to make it within the timeframe. It takes me a long time to make a thumbnail. I make it on paper then I recreate it on digital or sometimes just do it straight digital.

I’m alive, everyone. I just simply took an extremely long break

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Yay, more thumbnails

I never knew you before, you probably was gone while i joined

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I Wana do one. :3
I saw custom gims… So I’m definitely trying.

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so far


Its like a painting (i love art to much)

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lol I gonna finish

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