Alright it over till feb 15 so ok!
February 15, eh? I may do this if I get my other one done early.
I would love too. :3
Wow this one is so good :0
Hurray thanks for entering the contest
I’ve changed my mind, i’ll make one after i finish with the pixel battle thumbnails
Ok bet thank you :D!
Hey, I would like to do this thumbnail request!
Ok cool go ahead :D!
@Koneko-san would you like to try this out?
hmm sure, but i won’t be able to start today ive got a full scedule
Nevermind, saw the top post
(Post deleted by author)
Hmm I guess you can use solaria and Icelis
Wow the shading on the gims is crazy
nice job
I WILL DESTR0Y YOU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- line
maybe. i’m a bit busy though.
i finished! I don’t have time to add title/credentials, but here: