Quite good! I like it! Also, y’all don’t need to ping me because I have it set to as soon as someone replies I automatically get a ping so if I’m on I’ll know
(post deleted by author)
New image
Still needs the village in the background
That looks great! @THATONGUY_PK.L and @Blackjack blackjack read this
Off Topic for Blackjack's eyes only
Read ur bio, sorry about that! They invaded ur privacy and that is not okay, especially if you have stated that makes you feel uncomfortable.
Time to make a thumbnail!
It’ll be similar to my Gimland and the 5 Beastlords thumbnail that I am still working on (Sry grim, it’s taking me a long time to finish it)
That would be great! I can’t wait!
(post deleted by author)
(never mind, let’s just not get o ff-topic due to AI)
(post deleted by author because GlowingTurtle deleted the question)
Okay umm… this is a bump, I guess?
How long until you choose one? I know it says “no deadline”, but…? Eventually, right? Also, let me know if you need anything else from me. I’m happy to help, it makes me feel less useless on the forums lol.
Umm @GlowingTurtle I will probably choose in two weeks because it says no deadline and I don’t want to rush anyone I also need another week of XP grinding only lv 35
Also @Blackjack you said you were quitting the forums on some other topics so… r u still doing this one? I understand if u aren’t but… just wanna know.
off topic for @GlowingTurtle
Also, @GlowingTurtle you know how you asked if I wanted to j oin the USWMO society and I said yes but you didn’t put me on:( Please put me on. (Sorry, I know this sounds petty and is off topic)
Also, @here no pressure, but the pressure is on! You have a two week deadline so yeah hope that works for everyone! I can extend it till new year if necessary (by that I mean new year is ur final day to work I will check back on Jan. 2nd.)
Two weeks, you say? Sounds good!
(I’m sorry! Sometimes I forget stuff… I promise I didn’t do it with malice, adding you right now!)
(Nvm likes are here for a reason)
Why does everyone keep saying this lol
I’m not leaving just being less active.
I just need to add the title then done :
Okay that’s great but on one post (on a different topic) “o7 to me I guess” so… Sorry for the confusion lol
I just now realized levels reset every season. I’m cooked! Your new deadline is 1 month from today
as cinnamon roll cat (who I hope hasn’t forgotten this) so adequately put it, “Merry Bumpmas”
Please help (this is off topic)
It will only let me edit this post how to fix?
i’ll have to do it in canvas, I requested a suspention