Hi, everyone! You may have seen my other thumbnail request for a game called Gim Explore. Now I’m making a sequel, and I need a thumbnail! It doesn’t matter how good you are at art, I will appreciate anything!
Name: Gim Explore 2: Saving the Sequel
Summary: Evil plants have taken over the beautiful land of Gim Explore and it’s up to you to stop them!
Setting: A dense and mysterious jungle
Gims: Kit Claus, a horde of Evil Plants (Green), Evil Plant (Pink), this custom little dude (don’t include my name on there) and Ozi.
Gim Actions: Kit Claus fending off the horde of Green Evil Plants, led by the Pink Evil Plant. He has a legendary snowball launcher, the green evil plants have uncommon wooden wands, and the Pink one has a legendary wooden wand. My custom gim (Woods and yes I drew it) should be ensnared by a vine from the Kraken. Ozi should be fighting a humongous Kraken monster made out of vines with ten tentacles, one of which is snaring Woods, another is poised to strike Ozi and Ozi should be weilding a blaster.
Author of Game: ARMADILLO
More Details: CREDIT YOURSELF!!! Also put the games name in the upper center and make the name look kind of gloomy and ominous. I would prefer handrawn, but either way it’s fine, handdrawn or Photoshop. If photoshop, feel free to substitute a different gim for Woods.
Okay, sorry, I know this is a huge request, but I want it to look epic! Please feel free to omit some things (probably like half the request) if you need to. Deadline: March 5
Once again, thanks! Now onto the pinging!
@cinnamonroll_cat cinnamonroll_cat you’re a great forumer and a great artist and I would love if you could make one for me! Thanks!
@BrownSugarAlien you said you might do this one in a different topic, so here are the details! It’s fine if you don’t want to do it, though.