Thumbnail Request For My Map (Deadline Feb 1)

Those sheep are going to run out of bumps eventually. And I don’t think those people ae going to reply in a long time. Just saying.

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Also, BSA, when Gim Explore two comes around, would you be willing to make a thumbnail for it? I love your art for this game and I’m sure I would love that as well. (and I purchase new sheep each time so… I hope they don’t run out of bumps)

Sure ig. But you’d have to make a thumbnail request for it.

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I will! Thanks!


Probably sometime in February! Now B.O.T.

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Now, are you going to decide soon? A lot of them haven’t been here for awhile.

You know the deadline. (but if everyone is done I’ll decide then)
Currently, you’re my top pick right now, though.

I’m just impatient when it comes to this. Nothing has happened here for infinity. And so you know, I’m only available on weekends, friday afternoons, and holidays.

I know about how often your active, thanks for checking. And, yeah, I get impatient too, and I want to end it now, but I would feel terrible if I told people they had another month and then just chose.

How about you ping them again?

I’ll ping them, but it just doesn’t sit right with me to shorten the deadline. @slo1 @ST4RS_IN-A_JAR @THATONGUY_PK.L @Char any progress?

I came back from winter break, first checked this place, didnt comment though, and saw more thumbnails, which makes me happy for you arma (ARMADILLO its just a nickname, okay :sweat_smile:)


Okay, I’m fine with the nickname, btw and thanks! (idk really for what but… seemed like the right thing to say)

I also can’t upload previous art through both sites for now.

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Okay, I appreciate it! Can’t wait!

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AUH I’M SO SORRY!!! I’ve not visited the forums in FOREVER OMG :sob:
@ARMADILLO I deeply appoligize for not being ontop of this. I can’t really excuse myself from not working on it over the break. I promised to do it and i’m disapointed that I let both you and myself down. I had free time and I didn’t do it- and i apoligize to the fifth degree for that. As school has just resumed, i’ve been struggling a lot with keeping ontop of all my asignments as I go to a pretty rigorus school- it’s hard for me to have extended free time now. I did promise to complete the thumbnail, and I am going to hold myself to that. I feel really bad about asking this because I’m too tired to scroll up right now because I have to continue working through bottomless stack of pointless assignments, but could you let me know if the due date of it is before the end of january? I think it was the 25th, but I don’t think I’ll be able to finish it by then. I’m SO sorry for promising to do it over break and not doing it. I am not looking for you saying it’s okay aswell, because I try to stay true to my word. You’ve been wonderful, and i truely do owe you this thumbnail. Would it be POSSIBLE* (not manditory) for an extended date to make the thumbnail? I DO NOT WANT TO POSTPONE THE RELEASE OF THE GAME!! So please let me know when you’re convenienced. I hope you’ve had a wonderful new year, and try to ignore the grammar stuff because I haven’t proofread (i gotta go back to my essay now).


These are all amazing thumbnails.

It’s okay! The deadline is Febuary first, but if needed I can extend it! I accept the apology :slight_smile: Life happens.

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BUMP! Also @GameDevkachi any progress? @slo1 hows it going? Made any progress?