Yes Thank you so much!!!
This request seems intriguing, I will look into it.
Cool You’re an amazing artist!
Thanks! Summit Seeker may take me a while, though.
I Might do this
That’s Great! I just have to adjustments. Do you mind making bonesy a little bigger and making The experiment more hidden?
Even If you don’t, you thumbnail is awesome!
It is AMAZING!!! thank you so much!
You’re welcome. It’s only the 4th thumbnail I’ve ever done!
Is that poll allowed?
I think it is (im not good with thumbnail polls)
Polls just, cant be for chosing which thumbnail to use (I think)
Thanks for All 4 thumbnails. They are all awesome and it will be hard to choose which one to use.
You’re welcome. To make it easier for ya, I’ll put them all in one post:
nice thumbnail so far!