- game title: “Alive”
- It’s a game where you are in an abandoned lab with monsters
- setting: lab
- Gims: Bonesy, Summit Seeker, and the Experiment
- Summit Seeker is being chased by Bonesy and the experiment is spying on them.
- Author: Neon11
- Deadline: 2/14/25
- Digital or Hand-Drawn!
i might do this after my other thumbnails
expect it done by the end of this week
also can i not do Experiment? (its to far for me)
I appear suddenly. I will do one. I will have it done by Sunday night.
I just barely finished my last one 5 minutes ago. I am doing a lot of these lately!
I mean I guess, But the Expirement is the main character of the game.
oh ok i will try to add him then
I’ll make one (Maybe). DepressIon (and other stuff associated with it) and procrastination may keep me from finishing it in time tho
i lowkey might try this one
(its gonna be horrendous)
ian just appears out of thin air
Did i hear a thumbnail request
If so, count me in
Quick question. Is the experiment a good guy or bad guy?
Experiment is you, i think
Ok I’ll leave him how he is.
The experiment is the main bad guy, summit seeker is representing you
That one is good! Just so you know, the title of the game is “Alive” ,not Alive.
Oh, the “” are suppose to be there