The title is called “Laser Climb”. You have to get to the top and deactivate the lasers, but enemies that look like Riffs, Infernos, Zeniths, and Siraths stand in your way, with pixelators, trying to defeat you. It’s future themed, with a medieval backstory. I am the author of the game.
Please use this format
1 name of game
2 summary of game
3 setting of game
4 gims
5 gim actions
6 author of game
@0w0_Cat Okay, I’ve changed it.
What should the thumbnail look like?
@Di726 Enemies surrounding you but you have a zapper in your hand
What is “you” (that avatar)
What does the game look like?
@Di726 the character Kynami
@Di726 it’s future themed, with lots of catwalk
Both are really good! I’ll choose.
Not exactly what I was looking for when I meant Kynami, but it’s still great!
By the way, welcome to the forums!
Btw if it’s the wrong size I can adjust it
It’ll be published on Wednesday, I don’t know if it is or not yet.
It’s too big, I just saw.
I thought that the ratio is 3x4 , if not what is it
340 X 192, that’s what it says when I use my tool