Thumbnail Request for my Bedwars Battle Map

Yes, I know I just did a thumbnail request. But Im making 2 games, and both of them are just about done, so I figured I might as well ask to do this one as well. Honestly, yall can do whatever the heck you want on this thumbnail. Not looking for anything particular. Thanks, guys! I owe you one!

Please use a format, as we have no info whatsoever. Please? Like, what is the game about, what is the name?

  1. I already told you the name, it’s Bedwars Battles.
  2. The game is basically just my recreation of Minecraft Bedwars (using my guide I made a while back)

Well first, one questions
Its because i dont know if its GKF or GK name that i need to use

Like, game made by: usernamehere

What do you mean authors? We’re not writing a Stephen King novel, we’re drawing a picture :rofl:
(Nothing against Stephen King. I LOVE his work)

Oh. Just put Game Made By: Landyn Speed Thumbnail: Ian_is_a_yay

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mental screaming
Im finished

I did credit myself in the bottom left corner


I’ll do this …

ill do this

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Hello! I havent made a thumbnail for you yet and please don’t use the one below ( different project ) but if it looks like this is it fine ( with minor changes )


Ok, real quick, any specific gims you want?

I can do an in-game screenshot like one.

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Any gim
Any style
Just anything
Meaning no certain gims

Cool. I just throw whatever gims in then.

It aint much. Pretty simple.


It looks good
(And i never seen someone make a thumbnail straight in gimkit itself)

Only the background is a gimkit screenshot (you can probably tell from the pixelation). Everything else was put in through photoshop.

yeah I’ve done that before it was fun

Honestly, not really. I guess maybe the new Puppy one? Idk.

Oh, didnt notice

Okay, cool, maybe i should do one some day

Already put ver in here, but I can interchange one of the ones already in for that one.