Thumbnail request for my banking game

PRE-NOTE: This is my first thumbnail request, so if I should change the format or anything just tell me and I’ll edit it.

Game name: Bank It!
Game description: It’s a banking game where two teams compete to bank the most cash.
Requirements: I’d like a background in a plain colour of your choice, with the game name in large writing and surrounded by little items such as cash, a vault, a questioner and a potted plant (officey stuff and banky stuff, you choose what items). I don’t particularly want any gims, but if you feel you have to include some, then use The Broker and Yellow Stache (or Pink Stache if you prefer).
Author: Me (Little_Green_Duck).

Thanks so much!
NOTE: I’m struggling with bugging at the moment and won’t be ready to publish for a while, so there’s no deadline as of now. I’ll set one when it’s stopped and I can finish it off.

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Is it like a hiest game?
If so I can make it!
I use adobe express for my thumbnails and take around 1-2 days for it to be complete.

Are there any other details you would like?

Thumbnails I've made.

No, it’s nothing like that.

No thanks, just that!

here! a bit rushed, and simplified from what I expected from the end result.
just add anything ut want (like game title, name, ect.)


I love the way you drew The Broker!

I was playing the game and I bumped into a cash stack!

That looks like gta to be honest. Kinda funny lol

I know the last post was only 20 hours ago, but I’m counting anything over 12 as a day ago and I need more submissions so BUMP.

Ok sure, I’ll make one when I’m home since I’m in a trip
Edit: I’m using my phone rn💀
Other edit: im just starting

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Progress right now

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What gim do i add to the yellow side?

Well, to be honest, I’d prefer there wasn’t a gim, but if you want to balance it out then add Yellow Stache or Pink Stache.

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That’s great!

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might do this


I might make a thumbnail

This is my design :grinning:

This is by other design if you prefer it:

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Please tell me if there is anything you want changed.

I really like the second one!
