Thumbnail Request for GimSolver

ohhhh, gotcha.
nah I don’t gotcha
you can put the text in yourself lol
here is the thumbnail :crossed_fingers:


That was ClicClac, he literally did it back in June (of 2023 for confused time travelers right now).

I drew a lollipop prototype. I’m not really the best at drawing, as you can see.


could you make the stache not look like he came from the undead? lol
also, could you make the regular gim as a custom gim of leon from brawl stars?

Okay, so I just got completely outclassed by TheWorldo, R.I.P.

here you go, tried to change the Stache, but since everything is one layer I cant change the Gim to Leon, sorry!

uh oh, I don’t think he’ll be too happy bout that, lol.
also, could you add a few more Gims (happy) goofing off in the background and maybe a candyhouse or something like that.

didn’t she just say she couldn’t change it because it was all on one layer? :confused:

if you worked really hard on a thumbnail and someone says “I don’t think he’ll be too happy bout that,” I don’t think you should be making thumbnails for them.

its called critiques.
constructive criticism.

i had an enitre draft for @mysz of a counter point but i afarid i shouldn’t send it

that a little rude atleast they tried instead give them ideas or hint on how to do better

like what @WhereIsMyCrown said

looks like its time for me to leave before this escalates too quickly


he’s not mad with you.
he just has a few things he hopes you can fix is all.

idk man. what are those things that theworldo should fix?

constructive criticism are tips to help them get better.

telling them to redo art isn’t constructive.

no, just add to it a little.

How about you stop arguing?
@Blackout, I’m pretty sure @TheWorldo doesn’t need you to jump to their defense. If TheWorldo has a problem I’m sure they can say it themselves

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@TheWorldo, he was just saying about some things to add, but he said if you don’t add anything, it’s ok.

@ClicClac, I heard that you might try it?
I’ve never seen his art actually…

yep glad jeff added that, but no need to be like, loud?