Thumbnail Request for GimSolver

can you guys just make the thumbnail

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Oke, just wait for someone to COOK

You didn’t bring back thumbnails, blackfox and shadow did. Even I spread the news before you did.


Not many people spread the statement though and everyone was still confused. (Just to be clear, I don’t want to argue.)

@StacheIsTaken is banned btw check their profile

at least it’s out of Help now lol


imma go tell him that.
he prob doesn’t know

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You didn’t brought back thumbnails, Jeff did.

Let’s not make this a flame war and agree to disagree.

Can we talk about how I sent Josh a PM about this exact topic back in June?

Well, now that an Art category has been made, stuff should be more organized now. We can finally have actual help in Help .


Sweet! No more clutter.

Wasn’t it around that time that Jeff said that art posts can be flagged?

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Nonono, it was way before that. About 5 days after the banana guide came out.


I remember that, it was in _____Land. Funny how the year has gone by so fast, and June is coming up again soon…


Can we talk about how I emailed Pharlain about this a month ago?

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I emailed Gimkit about it three months ago. Sorry, but I’m kinda the amazing one here. No need to thank my heroics.

Good, because I wasn’t planning on doing that anyway (joke)

Okay, sorry. That was kinda rude even if it was meant as a joke. Can the candy be lollipops?

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I said that because I was being sarcastic, since it was kinda obvious clicclac was the one who emailed first said he posted it last year.

Okay, who’s up to recategorize all topics in art-request and guides with art?