Thumbnail request for game: Lava Escape

Hello! This is my first post, so forgive me for any mistakes I make, I’m looking for a thumbnail for a game I’m working on called Lava Escape.
This game is the equivalent of a Gimkit Flood Escape, but with difficulties, more mechanics, and more. The game is still a major W.I.P, but we wanted to get it out of the way.
The setting is a lab area, with tables and beakers, chalkboards, you get the idea. Lava is flooding in from the left side, and several gims are running from it. (White walls, please.)
The gims include: one jumping onto a table (The Experiment), one running further away from the lava (Sketch), and one closer to the lava, riding a table through the lava (Clock-O-Matic).
If there are any errors or any questions you have, please, let me know. I need all the feedback I can. Thanks a lot!

Please use the thumbnail request format. It should be pinned in the art catagory


He gave detail… even if it isn’t in the format.
some_guyidk I can make you one if you want!


That would be great!

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Is there a day you want it done by?

No, you can take as much time as you want.

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If you give me time I might have it done in the next hour!
( Now that I see I might not :sweat:)

That’s perfectly fine.

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while your at it, if someone gives you a thumbnail and it isn’t the thing you need… (JPG) I think… you can use this converter and you can convert things from a JPG to a thing or a thing to a JPG such as PNG to JPG. I might be wrong, and tell me if I am but I am 80% sure it has to be a JPG

Thanks, I’ll be sure to convert it.

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ian appears out of thin air
Thumbnail request i see?
Time to do it

Pngs still work, it will just bypast once the warning goes to you

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Wait, question
Do i use your gimkit user or forum user (if gimkit user is the same as forum user) @some_guyidk
I cant finish without this

I can make you a simple thumbnail; I’m not that good at graphic design, so I can’t make The Experiment jump onto a table, so can I make it sitting on a ledge?

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Welcome to da community a_random_gim!

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I’ve got the thumbnail:

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Sorry for the wait, I’d rather have the forum user.

What do you mean?_______________________________________________

He means his forum name on the thumbnail

I will do it!

Also, welcome to the forums!