Thumbnail Request for DBD

I know that there are a lot of these and if your working on someone elses that’s ok buuuut if you free can you make this look better plsssss


Just as a idea instead of putting the word books maybe just draw some, they don’t have to look that good just make sure you can tell there’s a front and back cover


I could try, but I think it looks great regardless :heart_hands:

Is there a title I could put? (Other than dbd)

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done! :upside_down_face: (I finished like 2 days after I sent that, I don’t know how it didn’t send yet)



That looks insane your so talented @Sonar-Sam do you hand draw


Thank you! And yes, I do hand draw! I like to use my mouse mostly though :sweat_smile:

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Could you make me a thumbnail for my battle royale @Sonar-Sam

I can barely draw straight lines with a mouse >,<
instead I make my poor fingies do the work…
but you’re pretty good, keep it up!


I’ll try!! Hopefully I can make it by the deadline :sweat_smile:

Ok thank you, sounds great :slightly_smiling_face:

yep I’m using this sry if it took me a long tim to reply
(this is a really insane drawing )

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how do I put this into a Jpeg

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I could try to convert it for you!
(and thank you)

please that would be awsome (I might not be able to reply till this afternoon I got class soon)

Here you go!
(sorry if the quality went down)

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it didn’t but how to I get it do I screen shot it

Right click the image and open it in a new tab, then download it from there!
(This silly little button right here)
Screenshot 2024-09-06 2.23.02 PM

ok I opened it in new tab how do I download it

IT WORKED thank you this is the best thumb nail I’ve ever seen :slight_smile:

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