Thumbnail Request! (for Connie)

Hello hello hello fellow forum members!
I (Connie) ask for a thumbnail for a game that takes quite a lot of skill to complete!
It’s called Despair, please don’t add a title, it isn’t necessary


A Pure or Navy-Blue Sky

Props/Barriers etc.

Lasers, everywhere except in the center, there should be a barrier, and a lot of barriers and slope jumps to go with/out the lasers


It is a Gim of your choice, it just can’t be default, I may make exceptions
But only one


The Gim should be standing on the barrier in the middle, I don’t care for any physiognomy



Deadline: Once I finish the game, before New Years though!

(And I will send screenshots for replies from Connie)

Artists Summoned Page



Interesting request! I’ll do this!

I’m probably going to retire from art from a bit… I’m going to change my focuses.

So, this might be my last one for a while.

I’ve been summoned (kinda)
Question- can the gim of our choice be facing back?
and can i add a moon?

Time of Day?
This proabably should be in the format for some thumbnails.

When will it be due by, and what style/kinda vibe are you looking for (spooky, classical, vampire haunt(y), modern, clean-cut, cartoonish?) Please lmk at your earliest convenience- the style you wish it to be, and such. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! Is there a specific color pallete?

What are the exceptions?
I have red, blue, green, and yellow in by default

The setting can include that.

No, nothing really

Do you have brown or light pink? if not I could just go with green

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I’ll try to get the spritesheet, it is pure rng to get it
btw can I use the gimkit sky

I’m going to start this tommorow.


I might have a question galore:

  • What’s the color of the barrier?
  • Should the beams have their start/end points?

Prefer a dark purple or white/gray-ish.

Barriers? Yea, just like a normal rectangle.
Laser Beams? Normal Laser Beams and Medium length, probably most of their start/end points should be seen.

No, the laser beams.

I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.


Ok. We’re going for some sort of night
I’ll use the space tile as the background


Might there be no floor? the game starts on a platform (barrier).

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Seems good!

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