Thumbnail Request for a music style game

I was wanting a Thumbnail for my Game Called “Keep Up”
It is just you running along the map with the lyrics of the song “Keep Up” flashing on the screen, you have to play the audio separately however.
But I was wanting a gim like running across the screen, the gim I would want is artist customs gim, so if you have a custom gim I want that one lol. Thank you!
Also the background would be something that looks like the gim is running…

And I know I have another post for a different game, I have too much time on my hands I make like 3 games at the same time because I have nothing better to do

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oooh this sound cool i might do this


Just asking, but hows it coming along?

i havent started cuz im busy rn (sorry)

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i might be able to do one!

I have 2 custom gims so yipeee!

That works for me
good luck!

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Here is a lil draft i got going VERY SLOPPY


That actually looks cool, I cant wait for the finished product.

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Hey it the GM platformer? or top to bottom?

Its a platformer, because of the jumping.

Perfect then ill make the floor 3D! What is the floor?

the floor is Dark Scraps and the background is black so the text’ll show up

ok. thx

It should be done i a few hours FYI

Alrighty, Im online until like 7:00 EST

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im half way done


Just a reminder if you can, can you make it a jpeg instead of a img?

Yes i was asking if they could make it a jpeg instead of an img, because it wont let me add it if its an img.

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Yes i know you can upload a jpeg, you cant upload an img file, I was asking so then I could upload it.

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Hey just thought u id let u know that
these are the only save types i can do…