Thumbnail request for a hard game

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh ok ok
yeah you used canva pro…


today is time to vote[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • monkee
  • unavables
  • nova
0 voters

and these are the one that are good

Uhm, you definitely forgot some thumbnails (Snoopys and more). Is there any way you could remake the poll @giblet13. Also, you forgot to add pics of the thumbnails we are choosing from! (I could help you if you need it) I could also change the title from “Thumbnail request for a hard game” to “Poll/vote on post 127” if you’d like (more people are likely to vote if you do that)

it cant be the ones u think are good
put the other thumbnails as options and let the community decide.

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I agree with @TheSwordOfAstra, people worked hard and took time out of there day to make a thumbnail and you don’t even put them on the poll (Snoopy I know was super excited for this poll). I get it it’s your game and all but I feel like that’s just rude man @giblet13

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I’m excited to see who wins!

Is there anyway I could remake the poll @giblet13? I can look through and find the thumbnails and credit all the creators. I could also change the name on this topic to “vote on post whatever number it is”. That’s only a suggestion though!

Could you show the photos also?

Also, don’t vote for your own thumbnail

Oh yeah I know, just reminding everybody else who isn’t on currently,

(uh, guess I was wrong)

Yeah; :rofl:

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Uhm, no offense @Monkee but I feel like you shouldn’t make a new poll because the OP hasn’t given you the okay. I mean don’t get me wrong, I think all the thumbnails should be shown but the OP hasn’t agreed to choose whatever thumbnail wins the new poll. (I agree with toothless, you should show the pics if the OP gives you the okay) This is just my thoughts about the new poll though (maybe the OP will come on and say that’s okay :person_shrugging:. Nope I’m not making one @Toothless quite the opposite :rofl: that did make me laugh when I saw you said that though

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I’ll still vote though I guess (I’m not trying to discourage you or come off harsh btw @Monkee, I just don’t want you to waste your time on something the OP might not even do :smile:)

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@Rainbow, question, do you think it’s okay for me to show the photos? I mean, I don’t think it would make the OG mad or anything so…?

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I have no idea the truth is regulars don’t know everything lol. I mean you already did it so I guess so (don’t hold me to that though). I would have waited till they came back online but it’s a bit late now (that’s just me though) @Toothless

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I haven’t collected the photos yet, I just wanted to see what you would think before I started


sorry, the chosen is MONKEE!!!
thank you, guys, for your thumbnails

yeah lol I have no clue what I’m doing I just really get something under my name and that’s cool ig
also i CAN help but I’m not rlly active anymore
(I dont even know how I got it lol)

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