Thumbnail Request For a game I'm making

So I need a thumbnail for a Recreation Iโ€™m making!

Info about the game

Name: The Adventures of ANoBrainer
Description: Havnt made one yet but its supposed to be a recreation of sonic
Preferred looks: Lava Land+Future looks

If you can please make it look like that/ and or better :slight_smile:
thank you
Preferably drawn computer/ hand draw eather one :smiley:
you donโ€™t have to draw it

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please move this to Art, it clogs the help section.

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I would need more information for the design.


What info do you need?

Game name, gim designs, game description, and map design

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gameplay, characters, story, what it looks like, etc.


Ok I edited it

@Dat_BoiVB why did you make 2 identical topics for 1 game?

more precisely 2 requests for Thumbnail