Soo… I want a thumbnail for my boss fight game:
Name of Game: Evil Sentry Boss Fight
Summary of Game: You fight an Evil Sentry with an Evil Eye through 2 phases.
Setting: A rectangular room with a Dungeon (Blue) as the walls and Metallic (Black) as the floor.
What Gims I want to be included: Sentry, and (Your Name Here) [Custom Gim] OR a gim of your choice
(Your Name Here) Custom Gim: Base and Sprite Sheet
Here is the text on the Gim:
The base is mostly based of the basic grey Gim, so here’s the sprite sheet for said Gim:
What the Gims are doing: The Sentry is pointing an Evil Eye toward (Your Name Here) NOT firing, and looking at (Your Name Here) menacingly, while (Your Name Here) is looking at the Sentry with sweat sliding down them.
Author of Game: @CustomCoaster
Now start making your thumbnails!
Due date: I don’t know…
can i make one??? @CustomCoaster ?
pretty sure you can, he is requesting
do we have to make a custom gim?
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Read the criteria to look at what Gims you need.
aw, no thumbnails?
Eh, be patient.
I mean, i’m not a fan of drawing custom gims but who cares
I know, I’m impatient
I guess since no one is doing this, I will make one
Evil Sentry is going to start their villain arc
<-- Big Dum:
this reminds me of something.
you sure you don’t want gimkit gims and not custom?
Ok because of protests I’ll change it up a bit
Now it is any Gim you want as a second option
this hardly got any attention
at least someone make a thumbnail
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Maybe I’ll turn one of my replies to a wiki…
I’ll makee a thumbnail!
If i could
I mean I would but uh @CustomCoaster I got to do my job as admin and mod somewhere else so sorry I can’t help you today.
no I not an mod or admin here before you ask.
Custom coaster? When you mean custom gim, you mean hand drawn and like this?
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