Thumbnail Request - "Escaping from Nowhere"

Amazing! But my name is just Quack_Quack, not Qu8ck_Qu8ck.
It was Quack_Quack but I never could get on to that account on the forums because the activation Gmail never sent…
So it’s just Quack_Quack.
But that’s an incredible thumbnail!

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Ok I changed It! @Qu8ck_Qu8ck

Thanks! Great job, you’re an amazing artist!


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Wow! Great job! Thanks to everyone participating!

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Starting now!

sorry if my thumbnail looks bad

No, your thumbnail is amazing!

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is it okay if I edit it later. I might re draw the title.

Yes! That’s fine! Feel free to edit it however you want!

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Whens due date?


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Great job!

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if there is anything thats not correct pls lmk!!


No, that’s fine, @slo1! I love it! :grinning:

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i just noticed the quality dropped so much omg photoshop :sob::pray:

When is the due date?

Thank you @The-realgimkitMaster ! Lol you keep having to answer me on due dates, sorry… :sweat_smile:




  1. (It’s gettin’ there, no worries.) ↩︎

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