Thumbnail request (3rd Time)

So I need a thumbnail for my game, Survival Island
Gims: a Custom Coaster with a white body, black support beams, white track, and black cart
Gims: Water Droplet skin
Gims:Crimson Cruz (green bandana)
Background: Gray water
Props: Wooden wand
Props: Boat
Name: Survival Island
It can be Photos or drawings, and there will be a poll for the best thumbnail.

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Hi! I have lots of thumbnails to do rn but I will try tomorrow or Monday!

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i tried the boat is wrecked on the rail grey water backround i tried really
had to work on a small frame

@sebarex did you even read the description cause if you did you need to read it again I want the custom coater those colors

yeah i did black coaster white rails black beams

Custom coaster is a gim not an actual coaster just to clarify :joy:

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oh ok thank you