Thumbnail req- poll is post 134

nice! I’ll be on it soon :]

okay thanks

I wish I could work on it, but I’m in Mississippi right now lol


(pops up) I am almost done!

oh great (thanks for thumbnail)

I thought you were in Louisiana?

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I was.


You think that’s a problem? Im in Italy in vacation!

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I was banned from using snom for reasons unknown and unexplained, so I’ll just say this normally

This sounds offtopic

lets get back on track!

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Snom? What is that? Is it an acronym of a mistype?

pokemon- search it up

some meme on the forums. Some other guy banned people from using it for no real reason and I was one of them (I guess?)


thank you.

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Umm… Yeah. So… How are you guys \gals creating your thumbnails? In just doing google drawings.

uh, do you have any thumbnails already made?

Yeah, scroll up to basically the top

Use FlippaClip or Sketchpad

Cool. I’m going to go to sleep now, it is 10:30 pm here in Italy

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Only 10:30? Sleep?