'-_~Thumbnail needed please~_-'

This is better than my thumbnail :expressionless:

eh you’ll get the hang of it plus
I had art so bad but I tried and got better

I’m also using Google canvas which actually sucks

well I use Kleki.com sorry my computers is a bout to d1e

I might make a thumbnail. I’m not sure though.

Try ‘kleki’! It’s very good and has a lot of tools! It’s free too, and you don’t have to log in for it!

Ooop sorry didn’t see this!


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may I try and make one please and thank you

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is that a yes or a no

Yes ofc

thank you you are such a nice guy or gal

Guy… but ty

ok ermmmm when do you want it done

no deadline for now;P/

k thanks I will be working on it :slight_smile:

NVM @G-Code549 i will make one

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Hello G-Code549! I will make a thumbnail for you!

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Hey @G-Code549 can I make one pls?

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prepare to have a derpy stick chair jumping on squares
I’ma attempt to make a digital thumbnail
now fear me >:3

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