Title: Sky Fight
Summary: Sky Fight is a quick game that only takes 2 minutes to play on average! Knock out the ground underneath other players to respawn them.
Gims: Peggie, Raveena, Orbit, inferno, Constellar, Beetrix, Default
Weapons: Blasters
Background: Jungle, Park, or Space
Authors: GimkitRocker (@nina44), NumberSeventeen (@Brayden1), and KittyGirlPink (@KitKat77)
Actions: One falling, the others blasting at the ground underneath each other.
Terrains: Dirt if you choose Jungle, dirt for Park, and space barriers for space.
Oh, one quick thing! The deadline will probably be somewhere in March!
Count me in for this
Really, really love it. What gims are you using?
Probably orbit, infernal, and default
Really, really good! You don’t have to say sorry for the wait. It wasn’t that long, and I was eating anyway.
Erm, looks like I got time for this thumbnail
Thanks for doing it @Mualani_Star and @Peridotite ! @Mualani_Star , the previous work is really good!
can I try to make a thumbnail?
sure! everyone’s allowed to!
thanks! I’m working on couple other art requests right now so it will be done by the weekend
Just quick question what is this gim? might you send a picture?
Edit: Thanks for the picture, I’ll be done tomorrow or today!
this looks interesting
anything that you want me to add or get rid of?
I love making space themed art :3