My game is called “Reactor Meltdown!” and I was picturing maybe a bright - lit up button/alarm like the one on a cop car. Also! Hand-drawn please! Deadline: November 30th
also, I’m probably going to be mostly inactive until maybe after Christmas.
My game is called “Reactor Meltdown!” and I was picturing maybe a bright - lit up button/alarm like the one on a cop car. Also! Hand-drawn please! Deadline: November 30th
also, I’m probably going to be mostly inactive until maybe after Christmas.
Any specific gims or any gims at all? Certain colors you might want? A certain setting even?
Setting: a spaceship, with a lit up red button or light.
Gims: Echo, Vortex, or something related to space
Colors: Navy, white, black, blue-gray (more space-like colors)
Alright! I think I can do this one (no promises though). Previous art of mine is located in my bio if you’d like to check it out! (Give you an idea of what your thumbnail might look like)
Thank you so much!!!
Oh, well.
Im sure shell still use it/accept it! Just wanted to inform you incase you weren’t aware/wanted to make a hand-drawn thumbnail instead
I’m terrible at hand-drawn.
IRL, maybe not terrible, drawing on a computer with a mouse, yes.
These look so good! WOW!!!
Is this a horror like game?
no, it’s more time-based. There is a 15 minute countdown.
AFK bye, see you guys later!
ever practiced?
I’m trash at it too, yet I’m still motivated.
I never saw my thumbnail on a discovery game lol
Cool request
sounds like a good game
cooking in progress
I think I can deal with a picture as long as there is a gim in it.
also, the gim doesn’t have to be hand drawn as I really like the gims in
@MapleSyrup’s picture
Ayyy! November 30ths my B-day!!! Ill do it!