Game is called: Christmas disaster, and the goal of the game it to not get tagged by bad guys who hate Christmas. The setting is in a Christmas tree shop outside, it doesn’t matter what gims you use I’m not very picky. The gims will be running away from the people who hate CHristmas and stuff, and the author of the game is “Alissa”. Thank you
Whens the deadline?? (might do it depending on the deadline) :3
Ok I’m sorry I forgot to mention that I really don’t have a deadline but when ever most of the people who want to do it are done then that will be the deadline
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I will only be on for 2 more hours because I have school soon so it I don’t respond that’s why
how long are you willing to wait. (2 opions) 1. I start now and draw with my cromebook trackpad on kleki, faster but not as good quality. or 2. wait untill christmas… that when i get a drawing tablet, it would turn out better
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I am willing to wait for how ever long you need
sorry it took so long for me to answer
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