Thumbnail is needed for my game

the name of the game is menace of the kingdom.
must have:
a knight gim stabbing valentime with a sword
valentime has Xs for eyes
they are inside a cartoon castle

Dont think stabbing is kid friendly …

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umm, I don’t mean to be the party-crasher, but isn’t this a little violent?

Yeah what JaydoPotato said

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All games for Gimkit should be able to be played by 6yrolds and up…

Having a Gim stabbing another wont be the best thing, lol. Sorry!

Also, you dont have enough info for us thumbnailists to draw. Next time, add more detail, and nake the format a little more neat!

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How about having the gim hammer the gim

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sure a hammer will work but about all 6 year olds play fortnite

Well, Gimkit made this rule, and if your gonna post a game like that ON Gimkit, you better listen to their rules…

go ahead and do the hammer

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I might do this, but its a 37% Ill do it…


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keep working on this and I’ll be back 1/5/25

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