Thumbnail for red vs blue

is this still open, or did you choose a thumbnail?

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Probably still open since only one thumbnail is in so far :slight_smile: (and @Ultracat7 wants the person who made it to edit it)

finished the thumbnail, tell me if I need to add anything

Tiem to point out a typo.

Screenshot 2024-12-29 5.55.04 PM

Hoping you'll fix it, but "Thumbnail" is spelt wrong...
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someground would be nice

oh yeah!

sorry for the late response I’ll fix it. :+1:t4:

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you can keep the lovly though

don’t have to ping them
(ex. helper @MapleSyrup, just add a <‎ d‎‎ > without the spaces after the @, then it’ll work putting the name after, b.o.t)
Connie has her rough draft done!

My brother has been suspended so I will be showing him all of the thumbnails.

I might make my own too

P.S. I helped him with the game so my name should be in the thumbnail.

I’M BACK and yes It is true that @MapleSyrup has helped with the game. I haven’t decided which thumbnail to choose