Thumbnail For N

Name of the Game: the History of Cyn
Characters: Cyn From MD
Creator: N

N is wanting me to ask if you guys could make this for him if possible, He is making this part 3 of his game series coming soon…

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can you please be more specific on what you mean? I don’t know any of your acronyms and others

I can try to make one also hello fellow MD fan.

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Watch Md on YT Search glitch.

Well I cant really tell you, because MD stands for Murd3r Dr0nes…
And I have to spell it weird, but its not for me, its for @N_MD

Ok I will make it on canv@

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hmmm, ok, I don’t have time for that so uhh I guess best of luck ( I don’t have time to Google it, watch the show )

I might try… If I have time.

Um Another question which CYN Tessa/Cyn or N sister Cyn

He said he wants Cynessa so Cyn/Tessa.

Can I do one please?

k on it also when the deadline for thumbnails.

Also can’t He/She post the request.

No, He cant, he got suspended for something but @Masked_Cro he said yes, you can make one.

Another md fan >:3
I’ll do it!

I’m so sorry is cynessa looks bad I haven’t seen this show in a month.:sob:

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He wants to say that its okay, just to try your best, and if you need to, use reference pictures

When is the deadline?

Um… he says it doesn’t need to be done until next week…

If this is open i might do it!

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i might do this but idk

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