Thumbnail for my game ples

whoa, sorry.

We gotchu! When is it due?

I don’t really care that much, I just want a thumbnail

right-o! I gotchu! :D

sit back or explore the forums whilst you wait for people to finish :)

I can also make a thumbnail.
My other work is in my profile : )

Yo, Fluffy

I found the solution to avoid having to do this
: )

you hide text between the ‘:’ and the ‘)’






thank you

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my pleasure :saluting_face:

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welcome to the forums @qwety

I’ve made you one!

nah im not making a thumbnail for a 3am game


I’m not making one becuase any AM games are childish and just for the views.


I don’t think you should play them since most are for views but I wont judge you if you make one

Good point.
I think I’ll skip out.

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I kinda feel sorry for them
no one making a thumbnail

but they have snoopy, good enough.

wait…ah dang it!

i didn’t think this through.

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@qwety, sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be making this one either. I do not support 3am games or any of the kind. sorry D:


I can confirm that.

(actual perfect grammar)

Anyways, can you describe it specifically?

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what if they used autocorrect (I disabled it today because it was annoying)

in case someone wants to actually make a thumbnail, provide the following details:

  1. Game name
  2. Gims needed
  3. What the gims are doing
  4. Theme/style (dark, light, background color, etc)

ok nevermind qwety blackjack has it covered

does this answer your question?

it’s not much though.

Maybe I will make you one…not sure, depends on my busy schedule.