Thumbnail for my clicker game

I’m making a clicker game called waffle clicker, and it’s pretty much what it sounds like. I have a shop and everything and I might add some more later. I just need a thumbnail for when I release it. As for the actual image itself, I don’t have anything specific in mind, so go crazy.

use this format when doing thumbnails:

  • Name of Game
  • Summary of Game
  • Setting
  • What gims you want to be used
  • What the gims are doing/character actions
  • Author of Game

I mean you can follow that format if you want to.

when you make a thumbnail request, you use that format

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@Collision you use the format to make a thumbnail request so that the thumbnail artist can make the thumbnail and not guess what the thumbnail looks like

I mean, im just thinking
Oh, a clicker game
Maybe make a clicker looking like thumbnail
That was my brain

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That does make sense and I see why it’s such a used format, but I really just wanna see people do what they think would look cool. I’ll take the format into mind next time I make a request though.

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im just going to make a real quick thumbnail so you have one

what is the game going to be called?

Waffle clicker, its in the top

i didnt see that thx :slight_smile:

here is my thumbnail:

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I really didnt try that much

@serial_destination_V look at mine :slight_smile:

badge for collision

:paintbrush: - have a thumbnail made by Ian_is_a_yay


thats really good lan

surprise thumbnail.


Omg, bro this isnt good
Its a masterpeice


Hey man, could you reupload the image? The Gimkit team removed all the images across the forum, so :confused:


  1. Had to screenshot it. ↩︎


Thank you!

this is just to fill up space and hit the 20 character minimum. Alright, I think this is good.

you know you can do this < tsey56ut7iyugfhgdset5yr6u > (without spaces)