- Name of Game: gimkit random items
- Summary of Game: a game where every 15 seconds each player gets a random rarity pickaxe or block and fight and try not to fall off the map
- Setting: 2 towers with a player on each one with a big timer in the middle of the map that says 3 seconds remaining
- What gims you want to be used: sketch in the background eating popcorn, a solaria with his mouth open screaming holding a stone block while falling, and duality holding a pickaxe
- Author of Game: me chtfsyt
If I do it can I get a credit line?
I’ll do it…but gims don’t have mouths…is it ok if I use VERY expressive eyebrows instead?
yes that’s fine. <<<<<<<<
yes you will get credit
Well, I’m a bit depressed from things to do at the moment, so I’ll do this. When the deadline?
the deadline will be March 10th
Oh well then yep I’m gonna do this. But I won’t tell you when it’s gonna be done, though. I’m gonna do a thumbnail jump scare.
ok I agree that is not meant to be a thing
I will also have a custom gim, so be prepared.
ian has appeard
Time to do a thumbna-
My god, why does he look like that
(Mouth creepy)
clears throught
Anyways, im gonna do one
That is what a gim would look like with a mouth.
wow I like it but duality and solaria were supposed to be on pillars I don’t mind though
Ah, whopps, srry
(I dont mind fixxing it)
You always add funny text when you show what you completed
I love it